• Call: 08623-242405
  • Email: contactus@tinytotsschools.org

Dedicated to Excellence

Educating children is a great responsibility and privilege in equal measure. To make it work, we need to put a lot in. This begins with seeding the desire for lifelong learning in every student.
All students of Tiny Tots E.M High School Succeed at each level and are graduated for the primary pursuits, which are significant in Indian society.

If boys and girls do not learn discipline in the school days, money and time spent on their education is national waste.

Let your Child Dream ...

Message From The Principal

Dear Parents,

The main objective of education is to bring allround development in the child. The education of a child begins in the cradle at home. The child, parents and teachers form a triangle of learning. Backing out of responsibility by any one of the three would result in crumbling of the very structure of education for the child would be lost. We intend to use this almanac to establish a valuable understanding between the parents and the teachers. While teachers would make the relevant entries in it from time to time, you are requested to refer to it every day to keep in touch with your ward's progress and respond by signing the specified remarks. it would be good if any comment made herein refers only to the student's work and conduct. The purpose would not be served if any grievances, criticism of the teaching methods, school systems, teachers or conditions at home figure in these pages bringing home and criticism, if necessary, can be conveyed in 'separate letters addressed to the principal who will cetainly look into these matters at his level. If this almanac is made an effective link between parents and teachers, parents will be first teachers and teachers will be the second parents.Looking forward to getting your continued help, support and co-operation.



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